Sunday, April 3

anybody have one of those memory erasers from men in black???

so shortstack and i were out running a few errands today. traffic had slowed in my lane, closest to the sidewalk. naturally, i look over to see what the fuss is about. i see this twig of an older woman walking on the sidewalk, talking to the person not-so-politely back up traffic. (is there ever a way to politely back up traffic? hmm...) let me clarify--realistically, i'm talking half the size of the tiniest person i know, stretched to my height. when i say twig, i'm not talking about a puny little stick. i mean one of those itty-bitty skinny, super-bendy twitches you look for when someone needs a good ass-whoopin'--you know, the kind that makes that 'whhhhoooooooosshh' sound as it slices through the air on its way to making long red welts on an unsuspecting ass. but i digress--back to the human twig.

my brain is having a hard time processing the EEEWWW factor of the entire scene--thus the summary presentation (imagine little yellow post-its with big black numbers all over this image, CSI style):
  1. the outfit--skin tight black legging type pants, a short vest over a black shirt (being skinny alone does NOT entitle one to the right to wear those in public...)
  2. the combination of the outfit and her age
  3. the way she literally stopped traffic with that get-up
  4. the flirty goodbye/hair-toss at the BMW who wanted to chat and STOPPED TRAFFIC to do so
  5. the hot pink, glittery, scripty 'Juicy Clam' emblazoned on above mentioned black shirt


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