Saturday, April 16

t-ball: week #2


PICTURES!!! real baseball pants weren’t a requirement for t-ball. that being said, had it sunk in that it was going to be picture day and most of the kids on the team were going to have white baseball pants (as if i could possibly know that…), i probably would have made a stop by dick’s to pick a pair up. but i definitely would not have chosen the bright red pants. actually, shortstack may have chosen them—but i’m still responsible because i was the one who set out the pants for him to choose from.

it turns out the grandfather of the disinterested brother/sister teammates has the same relatively unusual name as shortstack. he totally dug the red pants and complemented shortstack’s selection of dapper red and silver pain in the ass for me to put on cleats. but damn, they look SHARP. ah, the sacrifices we make to indulge our child’s fashion sense. [note to grampa: don’t be getting any bright ideas—i think we’ll be putting our feet down when it comes to silky flowered shirts…] the siblings’ grandfather suggested that shortstack be in charge of the uniforms next time. i couldn't agree more.


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