Wednesday, June 15

on the road again...

we're leaving tomorrow for nj for about two weeks. today my mom got a new decked out yukon denali that the whole crew can ride in. take advantage of those rebates and employee discounts to the public, apparently they really rock! she's making the hour drive tomorrow morning to show it off, and to take shortstack for that ride he's already asked her for! (i had to fess up to getting him to ask for it...) it was so adorable how excited he was when she told him about it over the phone tonight. of course she couldn't see his eyes light up when she told him, and then his little hand cover his mouth as he gasped. that's been his, 'holy crap, i'm really freaking excited!' schtick since a little bit before his birthday. oh, it just makes me melt. it's so CUTE. CUTE CUTE CUTE. [a word i've admittedly been saying entirely too much lately, and shortstack was saying it about everything, including the high pitched little voice that is most definitely NOT from me! we're trying to deprogram him and encourage that only little girls and things in miniature are truly cute. everything else is cool, awesome, etc. he caught himself saying that a dog was cute, and he told me that it was ok because it was a girl doggy...anyways--it's MY blog, and i'll say CUTE as much as i want to, damn it! so i'm sure sometime in nj there will be plenty of manly man chest hair sprouting sessions with shortstack, the funky monkey, and grampa]

living up to my tagline

BIG TIME. i'm just looking back at the 366 words i wrote about forgetting the things i need at the grocery store. given the events of today and my general feelings about people in general right now, i'm feeling the need to apologize for and/or explain myself. even though i really don't have a good reason to do either. (more about that later...) so i'm going to be daring, change my pattern and NOT apologize or explain myself for once. just don't say i wasn't honest about my tendency to bloviate!

conspiracy theory

sure those automatic sliding doors at the entrance to the grocery store are quite the nifty little invention. they do indeed prove to be somewhat helpful, with all the child wrangling, buggy (i’m from the south, and i’ll call the cart a buggy if i darn well please, thank you!) maneuvering, and list finding activities usually going on at the entryway to the store. and what kind of big sister could possibly forget her brother’s cries of ‘open sayz me’ during every grocery trip? no matter how hard i try to convince myself that i don’t need a list for the not-so-major grocery outing, i fail miserably any time i make a go for it without one. come on, it’s only three things. milk, coffee creamer, cheese. milk, coffee creamer, cheese. milk, coffee creamer, cheese. over and over and over again, all the way to the store. and i’m SURE i’ve got it this time. but the instant i pass underneath the sensor for the automatic doors, it’s as if my brain is cleared of all list-related data. maybe i’m sucked in by all of the clever marketing ploys on the other side, just waiting to assault me as i enter the store—but i’ve been subjected to that for so long now i’m practically immune, right? i had those needed items practically engraved in my memory banks—there’s no way i’m THAT forgetful! i am convinced that there’s some sort of device embedded in the motion sensors for the automatic door that makes your brain take a dump quicker than you can say ‘ex-lax.’ what else could it be? you know the stores want you to forget what you came for so you’d buy a bunch of crap, just hoping you got the right things. if you didn’t, you’d have to come back yet again and hopefully buy one or two more impulse items. sounds like motive to me. maybe for my next grocery shopping excursion i will wear a metal colander or aluminum foil so that i won’t fall prey to the evil mind controlling grocery store managers. i have a four year old, i can probably get away with that, right???

Monday, June 13

dear miss manners:

what should one say when his or her mother asks how a pair of pants look and all the poor offspring can think of is this? [you'll need quicktime to view the clip]

anxiously awaiting your response...

Thursday, June 9

back to the grind...

so i'm back from an awesome (but not long enough) week at the beach. we've been staying here since i was younger than shortstack, and i used to flat out bawl when it was time to leave. i remember sitting in the back of the van (oh, the van--i could start another blog about that van!) hearing my mom say, 'if we don't leave, when will we be able to come back?' or 'the sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be able to come back!' here i am, ten days away from being 27 years old, with my own husband and son along for the week with grammie, and damn if i didn't get teary eyed driving away this afternoon. yup, i'm a sap. no point in arguing about that one--fm has discovered the funny thing i do with my lower lip and/or chin when i get choked up, and i get caught every single time!

i've got exactly one week to recover, do more laundry, catch up with some friends, and get a few things lined up for our trip to nj to visit fm's parents for a stay of yet-to-be-determined length. i'm already ready to crash. it's only 8:00 on a thursday night, and i'm embarrassed to admit that i'm heading straight to bed after this. i'm feeling like 27 is the new 80! but every 'older' person i know doesn't sleep very much at all. so does that mean i'm reverting to teenager status? i honestly don't know which would be worse!

Thursday, June 2

stay tuned...

so we decided to stay in alabama a bit longer. but we're home now, and i'm trying to get a few things done before we take of TOMORROW for the beach for a few more days. i've got so much i need to write out of my system, and i'm feeling pretty barfy on top of it all. be back soon, i promise! :) at least when we head up to nj i will have access to a computer!