Thursday, June 9

back to the grind...

so i'm back from an awesome (but not long enough) week at the beach. we've been staying here since i was younger than shortstack, and i used to flat out bawl when it was time to leave. i remember sitting in the back of the van (oh, the van--i could start another blog about that van!) hearing my mom say, 'if we don't leave, when will we be able to come back?' or 'the sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be able to come back!' here i am, ten days away from being 27 years old, with my own husband and son along for the week with grammie, and damn if i didn't get teary eyed driving away this afternoon. yup, i'm a sap. no point in arguing about that one--fm has discovered the funny thing i do with my lower lip and/or chin when i get choked up, and i get caught every single time!

i've got exactly one week to recover, do more laundry, catch up with some friends, and get a few things lined up for our trip to nj to visit fm's parents for a stay of yet-to-be-determined length. i'm already ready to crash. it's only 8:00 on a thursday night, and i'm embarrassed to admit that i'm heading straight to bed after this. i'm feeling like 27 is the new 80! but every 'older' person i know doesn't sleep very much at all. so does that mean i'm reverting to teenager status? i honestly don't know which would be worse!


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