Tuesday, May 24

I WANT A SEPARATION! (from neighbors. almost all of them...)

given all the excitement that inevitably comes with having neighbors, we’ve decided that we’d like to make the exodus to the country once we find tons of land appropriate for the homestead. quite the task and will take a long time to find the right place—so don’t be going getting any thongs or boxers bunched up over it, m’kay? i believe it went down something like this—and yes, i was and still am this frustrated with things. ‘honey, i can’t take this neighbor crap anymore, it’s just making me sick. i think i’d rather find a big piece of land somewhere and—i can’t believe i’m saying this—put a trailer on it and live there while we build our house instead of staying in a neighborhood...’ ‘really? that’s cool, but a trailer?’ ‘a shack, ANYTHING. but something that could be turned into a guest house/office space that’s separate from our house. we could get one of those little golf carts to drive back and forth to the main house...’

it’s been a full month of dealing with a particular busybody neighbor about a drama that just won’t die at our own casa, and also at our other property, trying to take care of things like cutting down a very, very dead pine tree and having the neighbor call the police on us and mutter garbage about what we were doing while she was out in her own yard the next day. who knows for sure exactly why she called the police—but there was no other possible place to drop the tree in the street—it was so very, very dead, and so light it wasn’t an issue, and it was cleaned up within an hour and a half. even a professional tree company would’ve done that with this particular tree. i trust my husband’s judgment, he’s not stupid. i think fm is the brawny man in disguise! well, the flannel shirt, big booted, chainsaw wielding, hottie hot lumberjack part at least—this is definitely NOT him [for the record, i don’t want my man to act like THAT, call me old fashioned, but i see it as weakness—must be those mate choosing instincts kickin’ in]. i could go on and on and on and on about the neighbor situations, but i’m trying not to get sucked into people’s negative ways (that’s a difficult, full-time task for me...) also bear in mind that i have to hold back a bit for fear of making things worse with the off-chance someone from the ‘hood might read this. i think i’m safe, but i don't want to risk it—most of the people around here hardly use a computer—that’s the frustrating, but in cases like this cool, thing about living in sc. please know in your heart of hearts how desperately I WANT TO TELL YOU, beloved semi-anonymous internet!

anyhow—i’ve come to the realization that no matter what the situation is, people are going to complain when things aren’t done and people complain when someone tries to get something done. most likely, when action is taken, it’s not being done to someone’s exacting specifications. the next time i hear somebody complaining about the way something is being done, i’m going to tell them that they can do it however they damn well please if they choose to foot the bill and until then, i’d appreciate it if they’d shut their freaking trap and go back inside! as if i’d really have the balls to say that to anyone, but i can imagine myself having the guts my confident alter-ego obviously has, right? my usual tactic with neighbors is to run and hide from them. literally. [which incidentally, throughout my youth was the defense strategy of choice against my least favorite grandmother, but that’s a story for another day...] judging by the few months of spring so far, i think i need to up my miracle grow dosage for the summer season! good thing i just bought that super-sized pack from sam’s!

so having rediscovered the true the nature of neighbors, does it make me want to be more understanding of them and the stupid things they do? um, no! do i honestly think it’ll be any different if the closest neighbor is almost a mile away? nope, i’m not deluding myself one little bit. but at least i’ll have enough space to run and hide from them! ;)

and besides, if we didn't have any neighbors, we could do this to our yard and nobody could make us take it down the next day... [i happened to drive down a different street in our neighborhood one day and was delighted to see this. shortstack kept wanting to go by there for days. i fully recommend shaking up your usual routes occasionally--oh, the treasures waiting to be discovered!]


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