Friday, May 6

t-ball: week #5 (thursday make-up game)

look at those shoulders!

every game that goes by, we like our coach even more. he is so patient, and is good at distracting his players when they get upset about something, like today when a kid in the circle got hit in the face with a ball. coach knew he was ok and didn’t make a giant deal out of him getting hurt. i was in awe of this man’s ability to get the kid right back into the game and his mind off his jaw, which was obviously still bothering him a little bit. throughout the entire game, something would happen and fm and i would look at each other and say something about how awesome the coach is. at one point fm turned to me and said, ‘he is what makes this whole thing work.’it’s true; i can’t imagine it coming together nearly as well without him. remember the last make-up game? i hope coach al coaches t-ball FOREVER. and while we’re making wishes like that, can shortstack play t-ball forever, too?

the pictures came back today, too. we’re really happy with the quality of everything, and especially the little cards we ordered. i am disappointed that shortstack is making a pretty strange face, but what can you do. they are still adorable.

shortstack had lots of at bats today. at one point, coach said, ‘you again? come on, get ready! i think today he really noticed how much shortstack wants to play and be in on the action, even though he’s not the fastest runner on the team—the kid wants to be there and be involved. shortstack won’t run completely across the field to go for a play anymore (unless his teammate missed it…), but if that ball comes anywhere near him, he’s going for it. and if he gets into a battle with a teammate over the ball, he’s usually comes out with it. i like seeing that in him—for the longest time i was really worried he’d just sit back and let the others have all of the action. he’s still by no means aggressive, but i feel better knowing he’s learning to be a good judge of when not to let people push him around and when to give in. he got to be ‘pitcher’ at one point today. he started to go after a ball a teammate missed and then he remembered that HE was the guy in the circle that his teammate was supposed to throw it to, and he high-tailed it back to the rubber. it was great. one player threw the ball past him, and he ran out between 2nd and 3rd to get it. he was on his way back, doing his little shuffle jog (we think that he’s thinking because he’s moving his feet more that means he’s going faster…). i noticed his shoe was untied and knew it wouldn’t be long before he headed my way. coach al called out, ‘come on, RUN, RUN!’ to which shortstack replied, ‘but i AM running.’ coach al turns to us and says, ‘i’m sorry, i didn’t know!’ it was hilarious. then shortstack tossed the ball to the coach and keeps running (over to me to tie his shoe…). coach just saw him running off the field and didn’t know what was going on—shortstack explained that his shoe was untied and coach tied it for him. of course, shortstack was talking to him the whole time. shortstack ALWAYS has something to say, especially when he knows someone is going to be there for a few seconds. i heard one of the other dads asking what shortstack was saying, and coach al said, ‘he was asking if i wanted him to put it high or low, and i told him it didn’t matter, just get the strike…’ shortstack really connected with coach al today. it seems that every player has at least one game like that with the coach, and today was definitely shortstack’s day. what a great game.

neither of the team moms was there. what kind of team mother doesn’t make it to every game? today was the only day when they really had a job—handing out the pictures and letting us know where the pizza party is. take our $12 and run—i see how it goes! and don’t even suggest i volunteer to be team mom next time—i’d rather sit back and do the judging than be judged! (the difference is that i’m usually mostly joking when i’m making comments—for me, it’s more entertainment than actual ‘judging.’ i don't really care about that stuff. most likely not the case for everyone—this is the south, remember???) bringing snacks to a game is about all i can take!


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